
Gardening Company in Yeovil, Somerset

Business Info


Perhaps you can no longer cope with a much loved garden and need a little help to keep it looking good. Perhaps you are too busy to keep on top of it or so worn out after the daily grind that you have no energy or inclination to keep the weeds at bay. Even the most enthusiastic gardener needs a break occasionally. Imagine not having to mow the lawn. You would have an extra hour to spare at weekends, not have to spend money maintaining a lawn mower, never have to worry about getting rid of grass clippings. More free time, more storage space and for less outlay than you might imagine. Let us take some of the backache out of your gardening. It could be that you just want the garden sprucing up in Spring or leaves gathered in Autumn. A fruit tree pruned or planted. The lawn may be looking sad, the patio dull or the wooden decking a little more interesting than you would like. Whatever the reason, planting, weeding, trimming, pruning or mowing we are here to lend a hand. Its your garden, we are here to help you make the most of it from turf to shrubs, fences to hedges... Even if you just want a bit of free advice.

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Contact Details

Office: Yeovil
01935 423379
Address: 19 Saint Mary's Crescent, Yeovil, BA21 5RP
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