Around Thames Valley, the most popular projects his company has been involved with include water features, retaining walls, patios — of all shapes and sizes — decks, new lawns, new driveways, new flower beds, sunken gardens and roof gardens. Roger is also an innovator, when it comes to the fertilisation process of shrubbery. Over the years, he has developed a nutrition programme that will go directly to the roots of hedges, bushes or shrubs. He has proven results for enhancing and maintaining growth for many different kinds of shrubbery. Providing a very cost-effective service for all size and species of tree, Roger and his team can even get to the ‘root’ of any tree concerns with professional tree surgery, removing dead, dying or diseased wood, stubs of broken branches, crossing/rubbing branches, unwanted epicormic shoots and climbing plants, such as ivy. If you are struggling with balancing work and life, plus trying to maintain your garden, simply ask Garden Technology South to step in.