Art Dealer in Bradford on Avon, Wiltshire

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Sonya Rothwell Limited Edition pieces are rebirths of her otherworldly oils : Like space, Sonya’s creations expands in all directions, off canvas onto clothes, scarves, ties, cushions, fabric, wallpaper, lampshades and objet blurring the boundaries of art and design. Sonya's eye for style, colour & composition and extensive knowledge of print is built upon many years as a designer, art director and fine artist following her formal arts training at Central St Martins, London. Being a nomadic free-spirit ever in search of colour & culture, her urge to leave no stone unturned regularly steers her off the beaten track allowing for sacred time out to also journey within : Wanderlust abound, Sonya climbed the Himālaya, a source of her inspiration, to reach for the stars from the highest place on Earth : The transcendent mountain range is considered a deity and the path to enlightenment : Ascending the Himālaya to Heaven is known in Sanskrit as Swargarohini (Swarga meaning 'Heaven' and Arohini meaning 'ascent') : Amidst ascent Sonya photographed her celestial pieces on the beautiful people she met inhabiting Manaslu – Mountain of The Spirit as she made her own journey to Swarga.

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Contact Details

Office: Bradford on Avon
01225 635443
Address: The Courts, National Trust The Courts Garden, Bradford on Avon, BA14 6RR
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