Welcome to our website. Our aim is to give you an insight into our three nurseries, our fantastic team and the childcare we provide. We employ in excess of 60 staff at First Steps and we are extremely proud of every single one of them, from our apprentice practitioners through to our Early Years teachers, Administrative Assistants and our in-house Chef. As the Senior Childcare Manager at First Steps, I work across all our nurseries supporting our Nursery Managers and their teams on a day to day basis. Many of our staff have been with us for a number of years, including our highly experienced Nursery Managers, and we work closely together to provide the best possible care for our children. We are proud that we have an Early Years Teacher in each setting. The bond between our staff and the children they care for is extremely valuable and it is therefore important to us, and to the parents and carers of the children, that we work together in partnership. Each child and family is linked with a Key Person to ensure that the child receives the individual care and education that they need. The Key Person communicates with their child’s parent or carer on an on-going basis as well as at regular parent’s evenings. We understand that leaving your little one, often for the first time, is a huge step which is why we are committed to working together with our families to provide consistency and reassurance. This enables you to leave your child safe in the knowledge that not only are they being extremely well cared for but that they are learning, exploring, socialising and, most of all, having lots of fun.