These include employee surveys, 360 degree feedback, leadership development, performance management and culture change initiatives. What really sets us apart though is our commitment to guiding our clients to go beyond the numbers to identify the critical actions needed to improve their people performance. We started back in 1988. There were only a few of us at that stage, with one computer and a room stacked full of floppy disks (remember those?). Our business was focused just on management training and staff opinion surveys, as they were known then, before also branching into 360 degree feedback. Fast forward 30 years and plenty has changed. There’s now quite a lot more of us here, and one or two more computers too. And, more importantly, both our consultancy-led services and technology platforms have evolved hugely. But what remains the same is our philosophy; that companies will only drive improved people performance through having programmes that fit what their business needs, and by having a better balance between gathering the right information and taking the right action.