Many people come to acupuncture for help with a specific symptom or condition. For example: anxiety states, arthritis, asthma, back pain circulatory problems, depression, facial paralysis, fibrositis, high blood pressure, indeterminate aches and pains, infertility, menstrual problems, migraines or headaches, rheumatism, sciatica, skin conditions or ulcers. Extensive practice and Chinese research has shown acupuncture's effectiveness in helping these and many other conditions. The effect of good acupuncture, however, is to do more than simply cure the symptom. Acupuncture directed at restoring the overall energy balance will deal with the condition and also help the patient feel better in a general way. Hence the frequent comment, "I'm feeling better in myself", which refers to such things as increased energy and vitality, greater enjoyment of life, greater confidence, better sleep or more normal appetite. This approach, where the whole person as well as the symptom is taken into consideration, is referred to as traditional acupuncture. It is contrasted with the symptomatic approach which uses treatment formulae for specific conditions and where no heed is paid to the overall energy balance.