Eastleigh Osteopathic Clinic

Alternative Medicine Practitioner in Eastleigh, Hampshire

Business Info

Eastleigh Osteopathic Clinic

Whether you have recently injured yourself playing sport or can’t understand why something is hurting because you haven’t “done anything” or have a work related pain. Very often, aches that you may feel are not serious, but you would rather be without it, can be discussed and treatment undertaken by one of our qualified osteopaths. The most common injury that is treated is for back pain but at Eastleigh Osteopathic Clinic we do treat patients with many other health problems. There are seven individual treatment rooms and a number of osteopaths who specialise in different traetment areas. Our aim is to make you more comfortable. Whether you have recently injured yourself gardening, playing sport or can’t understand why something is hurting because you haven’t “done anything” or have a work related pain that has either ended in the absence from work because it's agony, to an ache that you may feel is not serious, but you would rather be without it. Our aim is to get you feeling as well as is possible. Whether your symptoms are recent or you have or you have suffered them for many years, we can usually help.

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Contact Details

Eastleigh Osteopathic Clinic
Office: Eastleigh
023 8061 2166
Address: 169 Leigh Road, Eastleigh, SO50 9DW
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