The parcel division is a member of the Alternative Parcel Company (APC) with over 110 depots nationwide. We also have a pallet division, which is part of the Palletforce organisation boasting over 100 depots Nationwide. Offering you a reliable parcel delivery service is where we started. We deliver your parcels Sameday or Nextday using our local delivery vehicles and the APC network. Our outstanding delivery service makes sure your parcel is one of the 1 million parcels delivered by e.d.s each year. Our delivery success rate is one of the best in the industry and proves your parcels are in safe hands. Your larger, bulky items can be sent anywhere in the UK through our pallets division. On either a 10.00am, 12.00 noon, Nextday or 48hour service. As a proud member of the Palletforce organisation, the e.d.s pallets team offer good advice and a reliable, streamlined service to get your pallets to their destination safe and sound.