Hopefully this site will contain all the info you need to know in order to choose us as your website designers. We have included samples of web site designs and work we are capable of, information about our varying knowledge, strengths and techniques and how we use these. Of course, we hope you will make further contact with us, should you like any more in-depth information on us or our website. By researching the internet and spending many hours planning the design of these web pages, we decided to actually keep them quite simple. No one likes flicking through pages with huge walls of text, flashing bold colours and more links than you know what to do with. So we hope you enjoy this simple design and find it very user-friendly. We have also purposefully left out all the confusing words and long phrases that people often become confused by where website designing is concerned. Chances are that if you are reading this, it is because you have little to no experience in website designing yourself and thus wont understand technical terms which often get plastered through web sites like this, in order to look sophisticated and professional. We'll follow the same principles when working with you on the design of your website. Ideally you want a website that's clean and professional.