The very first thing that you want to do when looking for a personal loan is to explore your options. Take some time to compare interest rates for different loans before making up your mind. You should try to get a loan from a credit union, as they tend to offer the best rates. The bank that you already belong to can probably help you out, depending on what your relationship with them is like. The more time you take to look into these options, the easier it will be to get a good deal on the loan you need. Before you fill out and submit any loan applications, make sure that you take a close look at the fine print. This will help you find out if you are actually eligible so you don’t waste your time. It might take a little bit of additional effort, but it is worth it. Some lenders charge an additional fee for repaying the loan early, so that is something you will need to find out about ahead of time. If at all possible it is a good idea to find a lender that won’t do this. If you have to pay a penalty for repaying your loan early, make sure it is reasonably sized. It is especially important to do this research if you think there is a good chance that you will pay your loan back before the due date.