Core Electrics

Electrician in Kingston upon Thames, South West London

Business Info

Core Electrics

Any work on your electrical system must be undertaken by a qualified electrician, and all our work is to British Standard BS 7671 (IEE) standards (safety regulations) Workmanship carries a 12 month guarantee, and all our appointments will be made at a suitable time that works for you. We are a small business determined to be responsive to potential customers, and to make a positive impact on the environment and local community. We will assist you through all stages of the installation. As we are not tied to any particular manufacturer or technology we are able to offer unbiased advice as to which technologies and products are most suitable for your project.

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Contact Details

Core Electrics
Office: Kingston upon Thames
07906 242415
Address: 61 Victoria Road, Kingston upon Thames, KT6 4JX
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