
Dentist in Sandhurst, Berkshire

Business Info


We want to give you the best of everything; that applies to our Berkshire dental team, technology and practice. We want all our patients to be pleased with the service they receive, so we take complaints seriously. If a patient makes a complaint, we will deal with it promptly and courteously. Our aim is to resolve the matter as quickly as possible following the agreed procedure and, wherever possible, to the satisfaction of the patient. A complaint may indicate a failing on our part, which we can learn from and make improvements to our service. We will adopt a ‘no blame’ approach when investigating a complaint and especially where individuals are identified, with the aim of reach a satisfactory conclusion. We will, at all times, be polite and respectful to our patients. The Practice Complaints Manager, Sally, is responsible for dealing with all complaints about our service. A copy of our complaints policy is available on request.

Reviews & Ratings of Confidental

Contact Details

Office: Sandhurst
01252 877309
Address: 70A Yorktown Rd, Sandhurst, GU47 9BT
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