We currently employ 11 full time and 3 part time teachers including the Headteacher, Business Manager, 16 full time and 1 part time permanent Learning Support staff at different grades, 4 Supervisory staff, a Media Support Manager, apprentice ICT technician, 5 learning support apprentices and 5 administrative staff including 1 apprentice. The School is based in premises which have been substantially refurbished, through several building projects, over many years, to enable us to offer specialist, high quality facilities. All classroom based staff have relevant teaching qualifications or other appropriate qualifications in education and childcare. A wide range of multi-professionals support the children’s/young people’s education and well-being at School. The school offers a specialised learning environment with a range of extension rooms and areas to further support the SEND requirements of our young people. The school has a swimming pool, sensory room, life skills room (kitchen), outside learning area and sensory garden, as well as adapted play equipment and a range of outside learning spaces to enrich our curriculum offer. The school also has 3 minibuses to support our learning curriculum as we regularly go on visits out into the community