City Exhausts & Tyres

Car Repair Company in Portsmouth, Hampshire

Business Info

City Exhausts & Tyres

Hi, my name is Jason Zincke and I would like to personally welcome you to City Exhausts and Tyres. You can expect the very best service from us as we have a team of fully qualified, professional engineers. The work we carry out for you will be of the highest standard possible. We will provide accurate itemised quotations for you before we start any work and guarantee you will have your car back on budget and on time, be it car servicing and repairs, tyre fitting or replacing an exhaust, you can expect the very best at City Exhausts and Tyres.

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Contact Details

City Exhausts & Tyres
Office: Portsmouth
023 9283 8855
Address: 141 Goldsmith Ave, Portsmouth, PO4 8QZ
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