Chorley Shukokai Karate Club follows the Shukokai lineage and fosters a fun, friendly family atmosphere aiming to help and promote the sport of karate to all students, with the ultimate goal of every student achieving their Black Belts. Everybody is welcome; we train three times a week in the Chorley vicinity at Buckshaw Village Euxton, Eccleston and Heskin. We would encourage anyone to try karate. Many people study the art of Karate for a variety of reasons such as generally keeping fit (mentally and physically), karate develops and enhances physical abilities that would take a multitude of sports to develop. Students improve balance, hand-eye and hand-foot coordination, flexibility, muscle tone, cardio-vascular, timing and rhythm. It aims to develop: character, humility, confidence, self esteem, self control, determination, and patience as well as being undertaken for fun. For the competitive students they can progress from the local competitions to become nationally and internationally competitors. Karate can also give basic self defence techniques. No other physical discipline offers so much.