With our belief in the area as a place to live and work we opened our doors on Broadway Market in 2003 which coincided with the re-launch of the Saturday Market a year later. Kick started and still operated by the Broadway Market Residents and Traders Association (BMTRA), of which we are members, the market was popular right from the off — by the end of the first year there were in excess of 30 traders and 3,000 visitors each week. Due to the popularity of the market, these figures have continued to grow over the years, now with over 120 stalls for 90 traders and over 30,000 visitors each week. From the middle of 2013 we were actively seeking out a new shop in Clapton, specifically Chatsworth Road. Based upon the model of the Broadway Market Saturday Market, a Sunday market was started on Chatsworth Road in 2010 and is going from strength to strength, which together with the opening of a number of cafes, restaurants and artisan shops, the area has experienced a resurgence as a place to visit.