KAT Pest Control Essex specialise in the removal of wasp nests, so if you suspect you have a wasp nest Contact KAT Pest Control and we can provide a free onsite wasp nest removal quotation and advise on the best way to deter wasps from your property in the future. Do not approach the wasps and agitate them as this can make them more likely to sting. A single wasp nest can contain up to 7,000 wasps. Call KAT Pest Control Essex today on 01268 724610 for a friendly and discreet service to remove your wasp nest. We offer a wide range of services which encompass all the general needs of private homeowners. Never be embarrassed to call a KAT Pest Control Expert if you suspect you have a problem, the sooner a problem is treated, the more effective any treatment will be and of course more importantly for our clients, the less likely repeat visits will be required. We are here to offer help.