Banyan Retreat

Alternative Medicine Practitioner in Ashford, Kent

Business Info

Banyan Retreat

In addition to Natural Healing modalities we also promote Spirituality and Mediumship. Connecting with the Spirit World is as natural as breathing air. We all have an ability of mediumship from Healing to Physical Mediumship and you will find demonstrations of these different aspects here at Banyan Retreat. We hold regular one-to-one consultations, group demonstrations, Physical Seances, Healiong and Trance Healing. Take a look at our events page for further information. There are many complementary treatments and therapies available today, we believe whatever the healing channel, the healing energies originate from a Divine source. Healing is a soul process, not just a physical one. Every individual is a combination of physical body, mind and spirit. These are the three aspects of one’s total self. They are not divisible, and are essential parts of the whole. When we are sick, the natural unity between mind body and spirit has been disturbed, healing power touches the soul and recharges the energies necessary to establish the harmony which has been disrupted. Healing energies flow in a variety of ways through numerous mediums and channels. Not all channels are appropriate or acceptable for each one of us. At Banyan Retreat we strive to match the appropriate healing channel with the individual. Only when the patient and healer are relaxed, comfortable with each other and in a peaceful environment allowing the healing energies to flow, will the recovery process begin to restore harmony between physical body, mind and spirit.

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Contact Details

Banyan Retreat
Office: Ashford
01233 714155
Address: Lake House, Maidstone Road, Ashford, TN26 1AR
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