If you’ve got sore eyes, red eyes or any sudden change in your vision, Bagot Opticians are NHS accredited to provide a free eye care service to all patients who are registered with a GP in the Morecambe Bay area — even if you don’t usually get a NHS sight test. Bagot Opticians have always invested in new technology. 14 years since purchasing our first camera to take photographs of the back of patients’ eyes, now the equipment goes well beyond that; each practice is equipped with state-of-the-art 3D scanners to produce 3D images of the back of the eyes. This gives incredible detail of the different parts of the retina allowing the Optician to see beneath the surface and detect changes earlier than ever before. This can allow earlier treatment and a better result. Everyone at Bagot Opticians wants you to look good too. A huge range of frames — more than seven hundred in each practice — means you’ll definitely find something for you. There’s a choice of great brands including Ray Ban, Tom Ford and Ted Baker among others.