Avenue Hotel in Grantham Providing Comfortable and Enjoyable Bed and Breakfast Accommodation The Hotel in Grantham provides a comfortable, relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere. If you fancy a late night tipple, then why not have a drink at The Avenue Hotel's public bar, serving a selection of draught beer and a cask ale. The Hotel in Grantham provides a comfortable, relaxing and enjoyable atmosphere. If you fancy a late night tipple, then why not have a drink at The Avenue Hotel's public bar, serving a selection of draught beer and a cask ale. You are assured of a warm welcome and attentive service at The Avenue Hotel in Grantham whether an overnight stay or longer period. Our friendly hotel near Lincolnshire has been providing bed and breakfast accommodation for the past 20 years, taking great pride in welcoming new and existing customers who come recommended, from all over the world as well as in the UK.