Although Audible Security is a top-eschelon, NSI - Gold company it is a small firm with a small-firm ethos. From the moment you first speak to a member of our team you are in good hands. You will find us obliging but not just at the sale/enquiry stage but throughout and always. Uppermost, is the desire to meet our customer's needs - a desire to please - so a willing and friendly team and, over time, a team you will get to know. 'Audible Security' was established in 1981 with the aim of supplying quality security systems to both the business and domestic user. Quality, in a security system, is composed of three elements, the equipment used, the workmanship employed and the after-care service provided. From day one there was a determination to perform to a high standard in all areas. Since incorporation the company has installed security systems into every type of buildings ranging from a 17th century cottage and a 18th century manor house and then on through the range to include both small and very large, ultra-modern homes.