We make all learning fun, exciting and memorable, as the children experiment, explore, play and discover in a homely, caring environment. The nursery was purpose built in 1991 to provide light, spacious, connecting rooms with a large enclosed garden. There are 4 rooms for the different ages and each has age appropriate furniture and equipment. Your child will love being at our nursery, we offer so many different exciting learning experiences. Outdoors the children collect eggs, watch ducks splashing in water, find mini beasts in the woodlands, pick fruits from the orchard trees, smell the flowers in the meadows, feed the birds, have races down the grass slopes, ride the trikes around the car tracks, make sand castles in the big outdoor sand pit, hide in the straw house, dig up their own vegetables, build camps out of branches and bounce balls on the parachute. Indoors they climb over the soft play, enjoy the light box in the sesory area, cook in the role play kitchen, make models, sing songs, learn sounds, enjoy stories, problem solve, paint pictures, make patterns in the shaving foam and play with the wide range of resources and games.