Artwave West

Art Dealer in Bridport, Dorset

Business Info

Artwave West

Artwave West opened in 2009. A regeneration of the former Ship Inn created a stylish open plan viewing space, the specialist museum lighting system and crisp uncluttered décor provide a superb place to enjoy looking at and contemplating artworks. The gallery has established itself as one of the principal independent contemporary art venues in the Southwest; visitors frequently describe the gallery as uplifting and inspiring. The gallery carefully selects its artists, attracting professional practitioners with impressive national and international exhibiting profiles, as well as talent-spotting younger and lightly exhibited artists. Many ‘discoveries’ have gone on to receive prominent exhibition offers. A number of regular Artwave West artists are frequently selected for prestigious competitive exhibitions at venues such as The Mall Galleries and The Royal Academy, often winning well-regarded awards, many have had works shown in national museums and have held exhibitions in cultural capitals such as London, New York and Venice.

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Contact Details

Artwave West
Office: Bridport
01297 489746
Address: Morcombelake, Bridport, DT6 6DY
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