Having worked in the IT industry since 1986, I established Arkle IT here in Penicuik back in 2006. Computer technology has changed dramatically over the past 32 years with the speed of processors increasing from an average of 8MHz for machines such as the Apple Macintosh and Atari ST to 2GHz (2000MHz) plus multi-core chips used in todays desktop PCs and laptops. Memory has jumped from 1Mbyte in the Atari 1040STF to at least 4GB (4000Mbytes) in your typical modern PC with 8GB becoming more common. Storage capacity has got much bigger while also shrinking in physical size and price - a typical hard drive in 1986 could hold 20Mbytes, cost around £750 and was about the size of a shoebox. Today a standard hard drive can hold 1TB (approx 1,000,000MB), costs about £45 and is the size of a matchbox. You can also store data on flash memory cards smaller than a stamp but only cost £5.