Not sure which Motorcycle Training Course you need? Then why not give Dave at Apex Motorcycle Training a call. You can even come down to see us and find out which Motorcycle Training Course suits you best. After completing your CBT (Compulsory Basic Training) you can continue your Motorcycle Training on a 125cc motorcycle (Though there are restricitions to your motorbike licence). This gives you the opportunity to improve in confidence and ability until you are ready to Pass your Motorbike Test. The training courses at Apex Motorcycle Training are constructed around you and your ability. You can train in full days, half days, or even 2 hour slots. Once you pass your motorbike test on a 125cc motorcycle, you are then restricted to a motorcycle with a maximum power output of 33bhp or 25k/w for 2 years. Virtually any motorcycle can be restricted to 33bhp. Your local bike shop should be able to make this modification at your request.