Acupuncture is especially useful in pregnancy as it offers a natural, drug-free approach that may help a range of problems. Also by helping to relieve, for example, lower back pain which is often considered a 'normal' problem of pregnancy, acupuncture may help to improve the quality of a woman's pregnancy experience. It is very relaxing and some mothers like to come for regular acupuncture sessions throughout their pregnancy to help maintain their sense of general well-being. For the maximum chance of conception it is very important for a woman to understand and recognise the changes that occur in her menstrual cycle. Part of Ann's fertility 'programme' is to teach you how to recognise these changes, and also to discuss with you dietary and lifestyle changes that could help improve your chances of conception. It has now been shown that up to 30-50% of fertility problems are directly associated with the male partner. The use of acupuncture, along with dietary and lifestyle advice, may help to improve the quality and quantity of sperm and the overall quality of the semen (see research above). This in turn increases the chances of a healthy and viable embryo.