Amelia graduated from the British College of Osteopathic Medicine in 2004 gaining a Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Osteopathic Medicine and a Diploma in Naturopathy. Acupuncture, ultrasound and kinesiology taping are also used if appropriate. She is accredited by The General Osteopathic Council and is a member of the Institute of Osteopathy. Amelia treats a wide range of joint and muscle aches and pains including back and neck pain, sciatica, arthritic pain, sports injuries and work related postural problems. Her work primarily targets the rapid relief of symptoms, whilst also aiming to minimise the possibility of recurrence by examining all aspects of each individual’s work and lifestyle. This helps her provide efficient treatment and sensible, sound advice to help speed the recovery of each patient. Amelia has a wide variety of interests and enjoys keeping fit and active by regularly participating in many different forms of exercise. She has completed two Tough Mudder challenges and hopes to conquer some more!