Allen & Young Removals

Removal Company in Barnet, North London

Business Info

Allen & Young Removals

Check that they are a legitimate removals company or partnership. Ensure that you understand their quotation and they have outlined exactly what is included, and what is not included, in their removal service. Ask them to explain what kind of insurance they carry and the claims procedure if something goes wrong. Make sure they can provide references for you to check or better still that they have been recommended to you by a trusted friend. And remember, it is not a good idea to choose your removal service based only on price. As with everything these days, if something seems too good to be true- it probably is! Allen & Young work to strict guidelines ensuring that our high levels of service are delivered to every client. We are always happy to put our quotations in writing so you can be confident that you will get the service that you were expecting at the price agreed. Be sure to visit our insurance page too, as removal insurance is not as straightforward as it would first appear, so we feel it deserves a page to itself.

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Contact Details

Allen & Young Removals
Office: Barnet
020 8203 9608
Address: 24B Second Ave, Barnet, NW4 2RN
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