All About The Cat

Pet Services Company in Cupar, Fife

Business Info

All About The Cat

We offer regular visits for feeding, playing, administering medication, litter tray, cage and feeding area hygiene. Cost: £9 per visit. £16 for two visits per day, up to 2 pets. Unfortunately, because of bank closures, we can no longer take cheques. BOOKING A VISIT: New Customers: After your first contact with us, we will arrange a visit to meet your pet, exchange information and complete our registration form. This initial visit is free, but an upfront fee of 25% of the total amount is payable, the balance being due on return. CHARGES: Existing customers need only let us know of any changes from the previous booking.

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Contact Details

All About The Cat
Office: Cupar
01334 652679
Address: 68 Tarvit Drive, Cupar, KY15 5BH
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