I provide traditional acupuncture to help with a variety of health issues such as headaches, women's problems such as painful periods and the menopause, back pain including sciatica, digestive problems, low mood, anxiety, support with autoimmune disorders, pain and stress. I trained in 5-element and TCM (traditional Chinese medicine) and Japanese styles of acupuncture. I also use other techniques such as Tui Na massage, cupping, gua sha, moxa and lifestyle advice to address numerous health conditions. I strongly believe that acupuncture can genuinely improve one’s health and well-being in almost any circumstance. I currently practice in 3 locations in North Bristol – in Redland, Clifton and Westbury-on- Trym. I have always had an interest in well-being as family health concerns played a significant part in my early life. I trained at the eminent College of Integrated Chinese Medicine in Reading, UK and qualified in 2008. I have undertaken further training in Chinese medical massage, known as Tui Na (pronounced “twee-na”) in which I have a diploma. I regularly continue to develop my skills and knowledge through further study and supervision.