Whether couples are preparing to conceive naturally, or have fertility issues requiring assisted conception, acupuncture can help with the process. The Nest is the culmination of over 20 years of experience in treating women and couples using Traditional Acupuncture. The clinics ethos has naturally evolved and has been shaped by the needs, desires and wishes of the women who have come through the door. Alex is a registered acupuncturist whose passion and special interest is treating women and couples who would like to prepare for having a family; supporting and guiding through the process, whether it is pre-conception preparation, assisted fertility, pregnancy, post-partum, or women’s health issues. She uses a holistic approach, looking at all aspects of the person, considering both their physical and emotional needs. With over 20 years of experience, she brings extensive clinical knowledge to her practise and understands the significance and benefits of blending both Eastern and Western approaches in maintaining health.