Congratulations, you have taken the first step on your path to health and vitality. Many people face health problems that cause them a great deal of suffering. For some, acupuncture can be the difference between a life of pain, and a life of joy. Chronic pain, more than any other condition, brings most people to acupuncture. Typical patient complaints may include pain anywhere in the body – arthritis, neck, back, arm, shoulder, knee, hip pain, sciatica as well as headaches or migraines. Many people with chronic pain have been taking pain medications, sometimes for many years, but have never gained permanent relief. Most healthcare professionals agree that pain medications, even when they relieve the pain, seldom address the underlying causes. Much of acupuncture’s reputation, however, stands on its potency to relieve pain, while addressing the underlying causes. If you are experiencing any kind of pain or want to improve your overall health, please contact Emma at Acupuncture Associates today. Complimentary consultations are available to discuss how acupuncture will benefit your specific health condition.