We aim to look at the wider health picture in order to address the root cause of discomfort, rather than treating symptoms alone. This helps patients to establish a little more independence and confidence in the longer term management of good health. We offer a longer 50 minute follow up appointment as standard, in order to help cover any other really important, contributing factors. Our focus is on prevention and we need our patients to put in lots of hard work also, to help work towards their health goals and to achieve long term results. We encourage patients to take responsibility for the future of their health through good nutritional, movement and lifestyle choices, as such factors can be hugely underestimated in the involvement of presenting conditions and in general health. The Chiropractic profession has had significant growth and development worldwide as a respected and beneficial evidence based profession and has gained recognition around the world for it's essential place within primary healthcare practices. Chiropractic is a profession that specialises in the diagnosis, treatment, management and prevention of mechanical disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system; affecting the function and mobility of the body, with special emphasis on the spine. In other words, your chiropractor will identify problems involving joints, ligaments, muscles, tendons and nerves, especially related to the spine.