Welcome to Ace Drivewise Driving School in Maidenhead Berkshire. We provide a personal, high quality service supported by a team of people that are totally customer focused. This includes both our support team organising the courses, and tutors alike. Although the level of service and training quality is high, our prices are amongst the most competitive in the industry. We take the time to handpick the best tutors to ensure our customers receive the best training possible. Our flexibility means we can also tailor a driving course to a customers specific needs. We understand everyone is different and so we work on your needs to help you Pass Your Driving Test 1st Time. We train our own instructors so our high quality of tuition is never scarified and if we have to recruit qualified instructor, we retrain them to meet our high standards. Most of our trainers achieve Grade A with DVSA, this ensures you receive a very high standard of tuition. We constantly improve our training methods and strive to offer you the best driver training, meeting your needs in the best possible way. Our instructors know that excellent customer service is the key to long term success (or we would not be here after over 30 years) but if things go wrong we try and rectify them very quickly.