Together with my husband Tom we enjoy taking pictures of our lovely friends and our customers of course. A&T Gancarz Photography delivers best product possible and quality is always our priority. Every day we try to improve our skills to be able to deliver even better photographs. Many years ago I felt that I’d love to work with newborn babies and that’s how CuteBaby Photography was born. Since then I took part in some international competition and I must proudly admit that I was awarded 2nd and 3rd place in NAPCP competition. It was great achievement and I’m really proud of myself. As I mentioned before I concentrate mainly on Newborn Photography these days as it became the fastest growing part of our business. I absolutely adore these little bundles of joy and it is real privilege to be allowed to handle them. On many occasions they are only few days old and I really appreciate the trust from the parents. I know that by what I do, the parents get to keep these special moments in the beautiful pictures and this is priceless.